

Women hide beauty.
Women hold longing for becoming more beauty.
Complex always change to attractive.
From appearance to beauty of the heart.
Pursue overall beauty. 


Human beings are built on relationships.
What one person can do is small,
but it is the power of each individual that creates beauty and provides joy.
Must be polite as a human being.
Considerate of each other.


Beautician work from the heart.
Beautician is in constant contact.
Be mindful and listen to their true voice.
Express yourself with all your heart and mind.
Bonding through heart to heart contact.
Real trust is created when you treat people with your heart.


Beautician can provide pleasure with their hands.
Encounters create joy.
The fun of growing up, becoming beautiful, appreciating and being appreciated, and sharing with beauty.
Fun to share with people and heart.


Sueno Hanao

In three seconds from “Welcome”, I suggest the best hair style for you.


Learnt cutting fundamentals in London and experienced several contest awards.
Lectured set and up for beautician and trained the next generation.
Beauty consultant for women.
Pioneering a beautician who is advising beauty make use of women`s beauty from hair, make up and fashion.

Hanao Salon`s Concept

The salon does not simply “cut” and “dye”, but has high-quality chemicals, the best techniques, the best hospitality, and a “space”, “time” and “relaxation of body and mind” where you can feel a little luxurious and rich in your daily life, and where the ultimate beauty is pursued and perfected.